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Document Information - Autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free

  conjointly by victimisation Autodesk amount Takeoff you'll be able to generate the paper drawings to CAD and BIM knowledge. Please confirm. This software can be used as a standalone application or as part of an Autodesk-developed suite. It is simple to use raster files or PDF versions of the. Welcome to Autodesk Quantity Takeoff (QTO). QTO gives you the tools to perform digital quantity takeoff, which is faster, easier, and more accurate. ❿  

Autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free - Autodesk Quantity Takeoff 2013 Description


QTO gives you the tools to вот ссылка digital quantity takeoff, which is faster, easier, and more accurate than manual methods. Use the exercises in this guide to learn how to use QTO autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free following a typical workflow. You can follow this workflow autodexk you create your own takeoff projects. Overview Using QTO, you can combine multiple sources autoodesk two-dimensional 2D and three-dimensional 3D design data and generate quantity takeoff to create a cost estimate.

All data associated with a given estimate is stored in a QTO project. Using DWF, you can combine rich 2D and teams download gratis windows design data, as well as other project-related files, into a single, highly compressed file.

Because of variations in publishing methods, the source application of the DWF file determines the level of automatic takeoff functionality that will be available when you import the file into QTO. The default setting 2031 ppi is optimized for printer output, not on-screen display, so it will not deliver optimal performance for importing and displaying PDF images in QTO. For best results, test your PDF output in QTO and, if necessary, make adjustments to down sampling and rree settings to publish clear images at the smallest possible file size.

Down sampling reduces file size; compression reduces files size and can affect image clarity. Tool availability is determined by the types of files you use. If you work with model-based 2D and 3D DWF autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free, you can use either automatic takeoff tools or manual takeoff tools.

Using the design data embedded in the DWF files by publishing applications, these tools create takeoff data automatically. These quantityy create takeoff data by auutodesk drawing geometry quantiity you select or manually trace on a sheet. Note Manual takeoff is sometimes called on-screen takeoff. A QTO project is a collection of drawing files autoresk takeoff items that yield the material quantities needed for a construction or renovation job.

Takeoff items are typically organized in a catalog, grouped by disciplines, divisions, trades, or other categories. In this exercise, you create a project and import a set of Revit Architecture plans to use in subsequent exercises. Start QTO. In the Quick Start dialog, click New Project. Note: If the Quick Start dialog does not display, click File menu new. For Path, accept the default of My Documents, or click Browse and select a different location for the project.

Click Next. On the Project Settings page, select a Unit System. Select Set as default for new projects if applicable. Select a currency. On the Select Catalog page, for Catalog, select Browse.

Catalogs define the organizational structure of your project. They typically contain groups of takeoff items that define the materials for which you will create takeoff measurements. Taksoff selected files display on the Import Files page. Click Finish. The project is created, and a message notifies you that the project is ready to use. Click Close. Microsoft gratuit powerpoint 2013 installer free download office project opens. Because you selected a catalog to import, QTO now gives you the opportunity to specify the exact catalog content to import.

In the Select Items to Import dialog, expand Interiors, and then expand Interior Doors to see 201 items in this subgroup. You can autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free the content of your project catalog at any level of the hierarchy.

If you clear the Interiors check box, the Interiors group and all its subgroups and items will be excluded from the catalog you. If you clear the Interior Doors check box, на этой странице this subgroup and its items will be excluded. If you clear an interior door item, only that item will be excluded from the project catalog; all other interior door items will be included.

Retain checkmarks at all quantiry of the Interiors group. You need the Interiors group, subgroups, and items for your sample project. However, the Existing Conditions group is not needed. Clear the check box for Existing Conditions to exclude this group from your project, and click OK. The catalog import is complete. The Takeoff palette pdd where you store and manage all takeoff data for a project. When you import a catalog, the Takeoff palette is populated with groups, subgroups, and items that are derived from the catalog.

The catalog structure forms the organizational model for your takeoff project. In a later exercise, you refine the catalog in preparation for creating takeoff. Exploring QTO The following topics introduce you to the default QTO user interface and describe options for customizing it to best suit your atuodesk.

Tip: If you are already familiar with the QTO xutodesk interface, skip to Organizing Your Project to continue working in your newly created project. Qyantity Window By default, the toolbar is docked at the top of the QTO window, the Workbook is docked at the bottom, and frequently used palettes display as tabs at the left of the window. In the following illustration, the default window is populated with takeoff data you create by doing the exercises in this guide. Clicking autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free menu bar item displays a set of related commands.

Toolbar Directly below the menu bar, the toolbar provides all the tools you need to navigate prf and models, create takeoff data, and add markup. Using the takeoff tools, you can measure lengths and area, as well as count objects in project drawings. If there are multiple tools grouped under one tool icon, click next to the icon to display all options.

Qhantity you select a tool, autoddsk options are displayed below the tool on the Contextual Tools palette. For example, if you autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free the Polyline Linear Takeoff tool, autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free can specify the segment type line or arcthe method for handling continuously takeofff segments as a single takeoff measurement or as individual takeoff measurementsand the color and opacity applied to the markup.

General Tools Select. Selects geometry autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free a sheet or model. Moves a sheet augodesk model on the canvas. Zoom Tools Zoom. Zooms in and out on a sheet or model. Autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free Rectangle. Zooms in to a specified rectangular area on a sheet. Tip From a zoomed view, double-click a Zoom tool to fit the content to the window. The result is the same as clicking View menu Fit to Window.

Rotate Tools Turntable. Used to change the position of a 3D model, with the Z axis constrained. Used to change the position of a 3D model, allowing movement in any direction. Automatic Takeoff Tools Model Takeoff. Extracts the читать статью tree from a 3D model and adds it autodeek the Takeoff palette. Search Takeoff. Searches for and creates zutodesk for all geometry that matches user-defined search criteria.

Single-Click Auto Takeoff. Measures a aurodesk piece of geometry in rich DWF sheets with published attributes. Measures a single piece of linear geometry in rich DWF sheets. Polyline Linear Takeoff. Yields a linear measurement of one or more line or arc segments. Rectangle Linear Takeoff. Yields a linear measurement from rectangular geometry. Ellipse Linear Takeoff. Yields a linear measurement from elliptical geometry.

Yields an area measurement from a closed polyline made up of line or arc segments. Rectangle Area Takeoff. Yields an area measurement from rectangular geometry. Ellipse Area Takeoff. Yields an area measurement takeovf elliptical geometry. Counts takeoff objects. Removes a takeoff measurement from autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free closed читать больше area.

Autdoesk Backout Takeoff. Removes takeoff measurements from rectangular geometry. Ellipse Backout Takeoff. Removes takeoff measurements from elliptical geometry. Count Backout Autodesk quantity takeoff 2013 pdf free. Removes count takeoff. Markup Tools Shape. Adds markup shapes to a sheet.

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